Easy Food
Stuffed Lambs Hearts
You'll be surprised, heart is very healthy and very tasty, the flavour is like liver but much softer and this recipe is really easy to make.
Why am I cooking hearts you may ask; well, I like to experiment :)

Start by washing out the blood from the hearts and leave to soak while you make the stuffing.
I made 3 hearts but ended up with too much stuffing so the measures are good for up to 6 hearts I reckon.

For the stuffing heat a chopped onion and a clove of garlic in butter until soft, add a glass of red wine and pour yourself a glass.
When the pan starts reducing add cubed stale bread that's gone hard.
Cook on low/medium for 15 minutes, add wine to the pan if it sticks and make sure you top up yourself regularly too.
Give the stuffing 10-15 minutes to cool and mix in 2 tablespoons of sage. Now take the hearts and stuff them with, and here's the twist, the stuffing.

To keep the stuffing in you're going to lay a couple of strips of bacon over the top and tie a string around the heart to hold everything together.
Place the hearts in an smallish oven dish, fill with chicken stock and cover with aluminium foil. Oven cook at around 150 for 2 hours while you polish off the bottle of wine and you're almost there.
Now take the hearts out of the oven dish, simmer the remaining sauce in a pan to thicken it a little.
Serve the hearts with the sauce and something sweet like sweet potato or swede.