Easy Food
Spaghetti Carbonara
I love Carbonara and it's the dish I most often use to see if I like a restaurant or not.
Of course Carbonara doesn't have broccoli in it but I'm trying to get the kids to eat more veg :)
It actually turned out pretty good as I roasted the brocolli.
I did forget to put nutmeg in the egg though so yeah, remember to put about a quarter teaspoon of ground nutmeg in the eggs.

Wash and cut up the brocolli into small florets.
I didn't have bacon so I used ham cut into strips.
Peel some garlic but leave it whole.
Grate some cheese. I used cheddar and parmesan.
Measurements, can't really tell you, it was a bit random.

Generously salt and pepper the brocolli, add olive oil or whatever oil you have and throw into the air fryer or oven.
In the air fryer go for around 175 for 20 minutes. In the oven 190ish for 20 minutes. We just want them browned.
Get the pasta on, we want to cook it just a couple of minutes less than the recommended time so stick a timer on.

In the meantime beat some eggs with lots of salt and pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.

Throw the cheese in with the eggs and leave while you get back to the frying pan.

Once the pasta is half way done heat some butter on medium heat and throw in the garlic for a couple of minutes until you can start to smell it.

Throw in the ham.
Yep, I swapped pans.
Fry on medium / low until the ham is starting to crisp up.

Your pasta should be almost done. Scoop out around 500ml of liquid from the pot.

Now throw the pasta in with the ham and mix it all up.

Add the egg and cheese mixture and mix in. Everything should be hot at this point so the egg will cook through. Some people leave the egg fairly liquid, I prefer to make sure its all cooked through.
Once the eggs look fairly cooked, add the water you saved earlier from the pasta to moisten everything up. You might not need all of it, just use enough to moisten the pasta but not flood it!!

The broccoli should be done now so mix that in.

That's it, if its too dry add more of the pasta water. Otherwise, you're done.

Plate up and enjoy.
You can add more parmesan and black pepper if you like.
If reheating in the microwave use half power otherwise the egg will go rubbery.