Easy Food
Simply Rice
My wife makes great rice everytime and I wanted to share the technique with you.
If you’re cooking for 3 people and want some left over, use 1 cup of rice; if you’re cooking for 4/5 people use 2 cups.
Here are the ingredients in order of appearance: -
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
4 spring onions
4 cloves of garlic
2 cups of rice
4 cups of water
2 teaspoons of salt
First of all wash the rice, either in a bowl or use a fine sieve until the water runs clear-ish ( no need for perfection, just rinse it a few times )

Now wash the 4 spring onions and remove any stake looking leaves. Top, tail and cut into large pieces as in the picture.
Crush the 4 garlic cloves slightly and remove the skins.

Heat a large pot on the stove and add the 2 tablespoons of cooking oil. Throw in the onions and garlic and lightly brown.

Now throw in the rice and mix everything up. Turn the heat to full.
Add 4 cups of water and 2 teaspoons of salt and stir leaving the heat on full.
Allow the water to boil away until you can’t see any water as in the picture.

Is it done yet?
No, wait ...

Now ?
No, wait ...

Now ?
Now move the pot to a smaller hob and put the heat to low. Lid the pot and set your timer for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes turn the heat off and remove the lid.
You should be able to easily remove the spring onions from the top of the rice and throw away. I try to also find the garlic and throw that away too.

I prefer to fluff up the rice and move to a bowl straight away so that the rice at the bottom doesn't become mush.
That's it, enjoy.