Easy Food
Curried Kidney Beans
If you're a vege these are a brilliant source of protein and fibre and loads of other good stuff.
You can either get dried kidney beans or canned ones which you can cook straight away.
If you are using the packets of dried kidney beans soak about a mug full in plenty of water. They'll double in size overnight.
If you can't be bothered with all that the canned ones are just as good.
To cook them follow the recipe for chickpeas but at the end where you leave the chickpeas for 30 minutes, if you are using the dried ones you will to leave these S.O.Bs 2 whole hours on low.
You might need to add water after an hour or so if they're looking too dry. Add hot water rather than cold.

At the end of all that waiting you get delicious soft kidney beans in a thick tomatoey sauce. They go really well with rice but I prefer chapatti or nan.