Easy Food
Chilli con carne
This one is for our dear friends Alf and Rachel. A good ole wholesome chilli with a pretty simple receipe.
You'll need in order of appearance.
750g of Mince
4-5 onions
3-4 pieces of garlic
1 teaspoon of Cumin
1 1/2 teaspoon of Paprika
1/2 teaspoon of Chilli powder
2 beef stock cubes
2 cans chopped tomatoes
2 cans kidney beans
1 1/2 teaspoons salt

First we are going to fry the mince in batches for two reasons.
to brown it
to break it up and get the clumps out
As its 750g, its best done in 3 batches. What you want to avoid is letting the mince release too much water, we sear the mince so that it retains the water inside.
So add a few glugs of oil to the pot and get it really hot. Throw in a third of the mince and spread it out on the bottom of the pot. Don't start mashing it yet, just let it fry. Also don't worry if it sticks that's fine.
Once it starts to brown after a couple of minutes, stir it and start breaking it up.
At the same time start scrapping the bottom of the pan to get off what you can, again don't worry too much becasue we will unstick if from the bottom later.
Once the beef is browned take it out of the pan and set aside.
Now do the same for the remaining two thirds of the beef and set everything aside.
Take the pot off the heat for a moment while you chop the onions and the garlic.
Once you're done, reheat the pot on a medium heat. Add more oil if you need to and throw in the onions.
We're going to sauté the onions, not brown them. So just until they start going soft throw in the garlic and cook for another minute or so, stirring all the time.
Now throw the mince back in and stir everything together.
Next we add the spices. You can adjust to taste, for this amount of mince I would put in
1 heaped teaspoon of cumin
1 1/2 heaped teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of chilli powder - it is called chilli after all.
1 teaspoon of black pepper.
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt.
Stir everything together and leave on medium heat.
Mash together 2 beef stock cubes in a large mug of boiling water until completely dissolved and thow that in the pot.
Stir everything together and get everything off the bottom of the pot. Adding the water will loosen everything up so you should now be able to unstick everything that was stuck from earlier.
Next we're going to add the tomatoes. I like to mush them in a food procesor first as i don't like the lumps.
Zap 2 cans of chopped tomatoes and throw into the pot. Turn the pot up to high now so we can get it back up to temperature.
Once that is boiling again drain 2 cans of kidney beans and throw in as well.
Bring back to the boil and add a little more boiling water if you think you need it.
That's most of the work done.
For now we're going to lid the pot and leave on low heat for 30 minutes.
Check for salt and add another 1/2 teaspoon to taste. Stir it in and leave the pot simmering for another 15 minutes.
That's it, you're done. Turn the heat off. I normally let it rest for 30 minutes before serving but it can be served straight away.