Easy Food
Simple Paella
Paella sounds complicated but it really isn't. I know what you're thinking, the rice is going to be raw and the whole things is going to taste bland. I hear you, I had the same fears, don't worry, I got you.
This is literally a left-over-what's-in-the-fridge recipe. I made sausage sandwiches in the morning and had 4 sausages left over which I wanted to turn into a meal for the evening. I had a red pepper in the fridge and well we always have rice in the house.
So I figured sausage and red pepper paella. I didn't have any paella rice but I don't believe in all that, rice is rice ... calm down.
This was lightening fast and everyone loved it so check out the recipe.

So we have chopped cumberland sausages ( they're already cooked ).
One sliced red pepper.
Sliced onion.
1.5 cups of washed rice ( as in, I washed it. It doesn't come washed if that's what you were thinking )
This is what we consider a cup ( against all convention ). Yep, i know, but it's a family tradition, the Leons measure rice in this cup.
Make up around 600ml of stock, I used 1.5 stock cubes.
Turns out a cup is 230ml, so its just under 3 times the water.

Salt, pepper and olive oil the peppers and chuck them in the air fryer.
Set the air fryer to around 200 C and 20 minutes.

Start by frying the onions on medium heat, not for too long as we want a little bite.
I didn't have any garlic so i added garlic granules. Once added they should start to go brown within a couple of minutes.

At that point throw in the sausages.
I had them in the fridge so I micowaved them a little just to bring them to room temp.
Fry everything together for around 5 minutes

Now throw in the washed rice and mix it all up.
Add some more oil at this point and continue frying for around 5 minutes.

At that point throw in the sausages.
I had them in the fridge so I micowaved them a little just to bring them to room temp.
Fry everything together for around 5 minutes

Simmer on medium/low and the water will quickly dry out, around 5-8 minutes.

At this point the peppers should be done, throw them in and mix it up.

Now lid the saucepan and turn the heat down to low. Leave for 10 minutes.

There it is, left over sausage paella.