Easy Food
Colombian Arepas
There are loads of different types of arepas in Colombia, this is one of our favourites. The kids love them for breakfast with hot chocolate but Colombians eat these all day long.

The most important ingredient is obviously the particular type of corn flour, you may be thinking you need Colombian connections to get you hands on this gold dust - nope you just walk into a Tescos and they do it !!
the flour is the precooked type of corn flour and we always use the 1kg bag which make around 27 arepas.
aside from that special ingredient you need mozzarella, butter, sugar and salt.

Pour the bag of flour into a large bowl.

Add five heaped tablespoons of sugar.

Add three level teaspoons of salt.

Grab a whole block of butter, thats 250 grams, and chop it into small pieces.

Throw the pieces into the flour.

Combine everything with a wooden spoon.

Pour in some boiling water a little at a time as you continue mixing.

actually pour in loads of boiling water, drowning the mixture. you'll need approximately 2 litres, i know that sounds a lot but trust us.

mix it all up with the flour and the mixture will start to thicken.

you should end up with a smooth mass which doesn't stick to your hands if you touch it. test by passing the wooden spoon over it - if it causes ripples you need more water.

Keep a small bowl of cold water handy. to help you shape the arepas wet your fingers before you grab the dough.

Grab a handful of dough

Roll into a ball

ok we have a ball, well actually its more of a soft mountain

after all the hard work shaping it you're going to stick your finger right in the middle

make a dough bowl, its needs to be deep.

fill it with loads of mozzarella

now start closing it up

completely close the dough around the mozzerella. at this stage you'll have a rough cylinder, start flattening it down gently as you roll it around in your hands.

now start rolling it in your hands using your thumb to maintain a thick border.

baam, 28 raw arepas !!
actually once you have skills like my wife you can make fun dinosaur shapes or more realistically squares and triangles.

add a little oil to a flat pan, if you don't have a flat pan like this, get one !! seriously its so useful. OK, in the meantime you can just use a frying pan.
spread the oil with kitchen paper, you just need the pan greased so use a very little amount.
turn the hob to medium / high.

now reduce the heat to low and place as many arepas as space allows.
turn after 5-7 minutes, they should be golden brown at this stage. i personally like it when the mozzarella bursts out - if that happens don't worry about it - roll with it, its all part of the fun.

Cook on both side for 5-7 each side or until golden brown.
allow to rest for a few minutes before serving
if you don't want to fry all the arepas, the raw arepas will keep in the fridge up to 5 days covered in cling film.