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Potato and Egg Curry

If you're planning on a heavy day, this breakfast will keep you going all day. The spanish have their Spanish omelette's, now you have curried potatoes and eggs.



Ingredients: in order of appearance



  • 1 tsp of cumin seeds

  • 4-6 tsp cooking oil

  • 4 small potatoes cut in half and sliced

  • 1 onion chopped

  • 2 green chillies chopped

  • 1 tsp of salt

  • fresh coriander chopped

  • 4 eggs 

So simply add cooking oil to large frying pan on heat to medium / hot heat. Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds. After a couple of minutes add the chopped onions and the cliced potatoes. Add 1 tsp salt, 2 chopped green chillies and the chopped coriander.

Turn heat to medium and let the potatoes cook.


After around 10 - 15 minutes break 4 eggs on top mixture. Turn the heat to low, lid & leave for 15 minutes


The eggs should now be copoked through, mix through and enjoy !!


... actually you can also have this as a curry with chapatti at any time of day but I like it for breakfast.

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