Easy Food
Egg Fried Vegetables
Inspired by my favourite fitness professional Faz from FazLifts and written for my friend Hash.
This is a great way to get a descent amount of vegetables in early and start the day right. The idea is if you eat right at each meal you are less likely to snack in between.
This is just one of the great habits that Georgie Fear talks about in her book Lean Habits for Lifelong Weightloss which I highly recommend if you are trying to change your mindset around food and weight management.
Ingredients in order of appearance: -
300g of frozen vegegtables
1 tbsp of ghee or rapeseed oil
1 medium onion sliced or roughly chopped
2-3 eggs

Weigh out 300g of frozen veg.
You can use any type you prefer, I like the premixed bags but you can use frozen peas, carrots, runner beans, brussel sprouts, whatever combination you, it doesn't matter - it's all veg. If you're particularly concerned about protein then stick with peas and runner beans.
Anyway, stick the veg in a bowl, fill with water and stick it in the microwave for 6 minutes on high.

While the veg is in the microwave, roughly slice and sauté one onion, whatever size you like. I like a descent medium sized onion because I like onions.
I also use ghee because it's supposed to be good for you. You can add garlic at this stage but I'm keeping it simple today.
Keep the pan on medium.

When the microwave beeps, drain the veg well.
Yes, I know I used the same image because I forgot to take a picture of the frozen veg in the other bowl first !!

Throw the drained veg into the frying pan and cook for 5-10 minutes until it's mostly dry.
Add salt and pepper to the veg at this stage. You can also add some dried herbs like Italian herbs but, again, I'm keeping it simple.
Keep the pan on medium / high.

In the meantime, whisk 2-3 eggs with salt and pepper. Yes more salt and pepper ...
On this occasion, I was cooking for the wife and I, so I used 6 eggs.

Add the eggs to the frying pan and leave to harden a little.
You can spread the eggs out a little, gently, just don't be stirring straight away like a madman.

Once the egg starts cooking you can start mixing everything. Still gently, making sure all the eggs gets contact with the pan and cooks through.
This should only take 2-3 minutes and you're ready to go. Turn the heat off and enjoy.
There you go, you can hardly call it cooking really - it's so fast.
There's a ton of variations in terms of the vegetables you can use, I've just shown you the quickest way to get a healthy breakfast in.