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Sautéed White Cabbage

Got some delicious white cabbage and you're not sure what to do it? It makes the perfect side to any meat - like sauerkraut without all the waiting and proudly made at home.

Start by removing 2-3 leaves from the cabbage and cutting the cabbage into quarters. Cut out the core and then thinly sliced the rest. You don't really have to wash it but I prefer to.


Also finely chop 1 medium sized onion and 2-3 cloves of garlic. 

First fry the onions on medium until transluscent - around 5-8 minutes. Add the garlic and fry for another 3-4 minutes. At this stage you're not trying to bown anything, just let it infuse with the oil.

Throw in all the cabbage and stir everything together. Put the heat up while you stir everything together. 

Throw in around a cup of white wine and keep stirring. 

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